Saturday, October 23, 2010


Buggers Big
midges appear

.. As the fishing season in Yellowstone National Park draws to an end, (just two weeks left,) we note that the Madison River runners from Hebgen Lake are taking Woolly Buggers with enthusiasm. Black and dark purple continue to be the favorite colors this Fall.
.. One slight variation is appearing in the boxes of the headhunters = yellow bodies. These are holding their own with the solid colors in the catching. Both the solid colors and the two-tone jobs can be adorned with just a very small bit of flash in the tail. Mylar, tinsel, and even silver wire is being used with success.
.. The big fish on the Lamar River and The Yellowstone River are eating the same offerings this year and the catching of substantial numbers of good sized fish is a topic of conversation in our pubs during this late season.
.. The clouds of Baetis may still arrive, however, the bright sunny days has kept the Caddis imitations on the water.
.. Happily the Midges are out in force. These are the staple trout munchies from now through the winter. There seems to be fewer elbows on the water in all the familiar places. Rises are going wanting and the fish are feeding with gay and unmolested abandon. More power to 'em.
.. A happy note accompanies this post: the Gibbon River road and bridge project is about done and traffic is proceeding along the new superhighway apace and unimpeded. Minimal local delays may continue until the end of the season, but the trip across the park is far less painful right now.