A Recent Acquisition
.. There's no denying the impact of the name. [[There is a rather raunchy and bawdy song with the same title by Australian Kevin Bloody Wilson. If you can stand that sort of lyrics click HERE.]].. The fly is rather straightforward and is pretty much in the stimulator family. As near as we can tell it's of Kiwi origin. It has traveled well to the United States and is occasionally used with orange foam as a Salmonfly pattern.
.. The fly is a pattern of Clark Reid and there are several references to it on the Web. It's growing popularity will certainly add more "clickable" sources.
.. The local recipe is:
-- TAIL = Bleached Elk Hair
-- BODY = Pheasant Herl
-- OVERBODY / HEAD = Green Foam
-- BODY HACKLE = Badger, or Grizzly
-- LEGS = Barred Mustard-Silli Legs
-- UNDERWING = Chrystal Flash / Midge Flash
-- OVERWING = Fine Bleached Elk Hair
-- FRONT HACKLE = Badger or Furnace
.. There are currently several local variants which include a down-wing and split-wing form. Several body dubbings are being tried. There's even one with a copper wire rib. Soon it will morph into something entirely different and some feather merchant will claim it as their invention.
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.. References:-- Illustrated Sequence #1
-- Illustrated Sequence #2
-- Verbal Instructions